


一吐心绪 最近学习状态相当之差,我想是时候停下来整顿思绪,反省自己了。自从大四完全没有课业之后,就完全是在自学,缺少合适的反馈。由于缺少参照物,感觉自己已经在自学中彻底迷失了,为了完成一时兴起而...


2022/10/1 都说密涅瓦的猫头鹰在黄昏起飞,怎么我到了晚上脑子就不带转的。 2022/10/9 最近学了Nakahara上纤维丛的三章,接下来整理一下,把老板的note和另外一个FIber...

writing plan for review notes on topological matters

(generalized/super) Group cohomology construction and classification of (interacting) bosonic/fer...

Reading notes on Vector bundle and K theory by A.Hatcher

Introduction The classification of vector bundles with arbitary base space and different dimens...

Invitation to topological order_2020

Acknowledgement This is the lecture notes taken from the 2020 lectures on topological order [http...

Quasi quantum double and Dijkraaf Witten TQFT

Anyons in discrete gauge theories A review of quasi quantum double type anyons. Not...

Reading notes on Algebraic topology by T.Dieck

Introduction Algebraic topology is the interplay between continuous and discrete mathematics, fo...

Materials for learning CFT and TQFT

CFT Books and Notes conformal field theroy-“the yellow book” Introduction to conformal field the...

Lecture notes on Introduction to conformal field theory

Acknowledgement This is the lecture notes taken from the online lecture: Introduction to CFT by T...

Notes on TiTP 2015

Acknowledgement I found the PiTP 2015 contain rich materials on both field theory and topological...