Math learning



Basic Algebra:

Abstract algebra & basic category theory:

  • Algebra: Chapter 0
  • 代数学方法
  • Category theory_S.Awodey,Category theory in context_Emily Riehl
  • Algebra_S.Lang
  • Basic algebra_Jacobson

Physical literacture:

  • Unitary Group Representations in Physics, Probability and Number Theory
  • Group theory: application to group theory
  • Moore系列notes:Abstract group theory, representation theory,Lie group,Clifford algebra,…
  • Woit: Quantum theory,groups and representation

Representation theory

Commutative algebra and homological algebra:

Group cohomology

Algebraic topology

  • Algebraic topology_Hatcher
  • Rotman: introduction to algebraic topology
  • Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology_Bott

Physical literature:

  • Nakahara


  • K-theory: an introduction