Materials for learning CFT and TQFT


Books and Notes

  • conformal field theroy-“the yellow book”
  • Introduction to conformal field theory with application to string theory
  • String theory_Polchinski
  • String theory_D.Tong


  • Applied conformal field theory_Ginsparg
  • An introduction to conformal field theory_Gaberdiel

These two reviews are good, the former is more physical, the later contain more formal aspects of 2d CFT, and the references are important.

Lecture notes

  • Conformal field theroy_Alday
  • Supersymmetry and conformal field theory_Herzog
  • Conformal field theory for string theorists_Herzog
  • Lectures on conformal field theory_Qualls

I don’t have enough time to study all these, these will be used as just reference, the main materials for study will be [Ginsparg],[Gaberdiel],[Yellow book],[Tong], and the important papers especially about [BPZ] and [MS]

Zhihu notes

Online lectures

Important original papers

  • BPZ
  • Moore,Seiberg
  • Segel

Important notions

  • Scale invariance, conformal invariance, trace anomaly, universality, consistent conditions.
  • Witt algebra, OPE, VOA, Virasoro algebra, central charge
  • Verma module and representation
  • Meromorphic CFT(chiral algebra,VOA)
  • Moore Seiberg: MTC, quantum groups


More physical

  • Tong_Quantum Hall Effect
  • Gauge theory_Tong
  • Aspects of Chern-Simons Theory_Dune
  • Chapters on FQHE_Wen
  • Topological investigations of gauge theory_Jackiw
  • References on Instantons: Zee, WeinbergII,…
  • Topological quantum_H.Simons
  • Chapter 9 of Altland&B.Simons
  • Topology,geometry and quantum interference in condensed matter physics
  • Three Lectures On Topological Phases Of Matter_Witten
  • Fermion path integral and Fermion path integrals and topological phases_Witten
  • Many other papers and reviews on topological field theoretical approach to I/FQHE,SPT,SET states(May follow the reference of some lectures on topological order)

More mathematical

  • On characteristic classes
  • On supersymmetric TQFT…